Trial and Error Tuesday

Nov 03, 2020

I am a professional pouter when I feel like life is not going my way. I can really put a negative spin on failing. 

But the truth is, many of my mentors and idols have failed time and time again, and never gave up. They understood that trial and error is just another part of the business. 

Getting up when you fall down is an integral part of the human condition. We learn to crawl, walk, and run. We stumble often but that doesn't stop us. We are stubborn creatures by design. 

I sure know I am stubborn. You can ask my mom, or better yet, my partner, they will tell you. I do not back down when I know I am right. 

How can I apply that to business though? How can I refuse to back down when FAILURE is staring me in the face and mocking me?

I think in moments like these we need to turn to the people who made it. The people who have forged the path for stronger-every-day women like me to succeed. 

“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” - Robert T. Kiyosaki

I think what Robert is trying to tell me is that failure is a part of the big picture. Failure doesn't take away from my success but brings me closer. 

I learned recently about Audience Testing in films. For those, like me, who had no idea what this was, it is when a movie is shown to an audience well before it is released to gauge their reaction. Then, adjustments are made. 

That blew my mind. To think some of my favorite films could have had completely different, and most likely terribly disappointing endings, surprised me. I had no clue that the film industry 'tested' movies before they hit the big screens. 

This got me thinking, maybe my new sales pitch that totally bombed, or my newer, better, greater, business plan that imploded, or my ONCE IN A LIFETIME new business ideas weren't total failures. Maybe, just maybe, they were tests to see how the market would react. A first baby step toward the really great ideas just around the corner. 

Authored by Monica Vice